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Investor Visa In Dubai: Unlock Dubai’s Potential


As one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, Dubai has attracted investors from around the globe. The city has become a hub for trade, commerce, and tourism, thanks to its strategic location, business-friendly policies, and world-class infrastructure. Dubai’s investor visa program has made it easier for foreign investors to take advantage of the city’s numerous investment opportunities. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of obtaining an investor visa in Dubai, the eligibility requirements, and the application process.

What is Investor Visa in Dubai?

Investor Visa in Dubai is a type of residency visa that is issued to foreign investors who want to invest in the Dubai business market. The UAE government has created this visa program to attract foreign investment to Dubai and help stimulate the economy.

The investor visa is issued to individuals who have invested a certain amount of money in a business venture in Dubai. The visa is issued for a period of three years and is renewable upon the completion of this period. The visa is also extendable to the investor’s family members, including spouse and children.

To be eligible for an investor visa, the applicant must meet certain criteria. Firstly, the applicant must invest a minimum of AED 10 million in a business venture in Dubai. Secondly, the investment must be made in one of the following categories:

  1. Real estate investment
  2. Partnership in an existing or a new company
  3. Investment in a Dubai government-approved investment fund
  4. Deposits of not less than AED 10 million in a UAE-based bank

Once the investment is made, the investor must submit an application for an investor visa to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai. The application must be accompanied by the necessary documents, including proof of investment, passport copies, and other supporting documents.

Once the visa is issued, the investor can enjoy a host of benefits, including the ability to reside and work in Dubai, the ability to sponsor family members, and access to the world-class infrastructure and facilities that Dubai has to offer. The investor visa is also a stepping stone to obtaining permanent residency in the UAE, which can be a valuable asset for long-term investors.

The investor visa is an excellent opportunity for foreign investors who want to tap into the Dubai business market. With its strategic location, favorable business environment, and world-class infrastructure, Dubai is a hub for global business and investment, and the investor visa is the gateway to tapping into this potential.

Benefits of an Investor Visa in Dubai

An investor visa in Dubai provides numerous benefits to foreign investors, including:

  1. Business Opportunities: Dubai is home to a range of industries, including real estate, finance, tourism, and logistics. An investor visa allows you to explore business opportunities in these sectors, making it easier to set up a business and expand your portfolio.
  2. Tax Benefits: Dubai is a tax-free jurisdiction, with no personal or corporate income taxes. This means that foreign investors can enjoy significant tax benefits, making it easier to grow their businesses and increase their profits.
  3. Residency: An investor visa allows you to live and work in Dubai for up to three years. This can be renewed for an additional three years, making it easier to establish a long-term presence in the city.
  4. Family Sponsorship: An investor visa allows you to sponsor your family members to live with you in Dubai. This includes your spouse, children, and parents, providing a sense of security and stability for your family.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for an investor visa in Dubai, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Investment: You must invest a minimum of AED 10 million in Dubai. This investment can be in the form of a business, real estate, or stocks.
  2. Age: You must be at least 21 years old to apply for an investor visa.
  3. Good Conduct: You must have a clean criminal record and be of good conduct.
  4. Health: You must pass a medical examination to prove that you are in good health.

Application Process

The application process for an investor visa in Dubai is straightforward and can be completed in a few simple steps:

  1. Choose a Local Partner: You must choose a local partner to sponsor your investment in Dubai. This partner must be a UAE national or a company that is 51% owned by UAE nationals.
  2. Submit Documents: You must submit the required documents, including a copy of your passport, proof of investment, and a bank statement showing that you have the required funds.
  3. Obtain Security Clearance: You must obtain security clearance from the UAE authorities. This involves submitting your fingerprints and other personal information for a background check.
  4. Issue of Visa: Once your application is approved, you will be issued an investor visa. This visa is valid for three years and can be renewed for an additional three years.


Obtaining an investor visa in Dubai can unlock numerous investment opportunities and provide significant benefits to foreign investors. With a minimum investment of AED 10 million, foreign investors can establish a long-term presence in the city, explore business opportunities, and enjoy tax benefits. The application process is straightforward, and with the help of a local partner, it can be completed in a few simple steps. Dubai’s investor visa program is a testament to the city’s commitment to promoting foreign investment and attracting global talent.

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